Black Asphalt Road Surrounded by Green Grass


0 Studies

Ahh, finally had the last examn this semester (friday..) and can now look forward to 10 weeks of summerbreak!

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Windows 7 and AuthenTec biometrics!

0 Software

When installing Windows 7, it automatically configured my AuthenTec AES2501A and installed the appropriate drivers and software.At least that is what it looked like... When trying to setup the

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Windows 7 and Windows Mobile!

0 Software

So, after installing Windows 7 on my laptop, I ofcourse had to setup a sync between Outlook 2007 and my HTC Touch Diamond!What a pain.... First off, Windows identified the phone and the connection was

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Black Asphalt Road Surrounded by Green Grass

Lenovo update service - Still down :-(!

0 Software

This is sad. Really sad!during the last month users with the Lenovo Care / Lenovo updater software, has received a message from Lenovo when trying to update their software, saying that Lenovo was

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Danish Windows 7 RC1 beta is HERE!

0 Software

Today the danish beta testers of Windows 7 RC, got the chance to get a hand on the ''7100.0.090421-1700_x86fre_client_da-dk_Retail_Ultimate-GRC1CULFRER_DA_DVD.iso''! unfortunatly, atm. there are no

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Office 2007 SP 2 released! Vista SP 2 RTM'ed!

0 Software

Microsoft has released the Office 2007 SP2 for download under including the update for the Office 2007 SP2 Language packs! Microsoft have also announcedthe the

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