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Autodesk Student (and teacher) community

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Having completely forgotten about said community, I was cleaning up on my old storage harddrives, which includes the harddrive with software installations and came upon my Autodesk folder, containing

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Two computer harddrives on top of eachother

Lenovo showing off upcomming products?

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In a post on facebook from Lenovo, the technology giant promises a "big day from your friends at Lenovo". This can only be good news, on new products. Maybe some new tablets for Win8? A Windows Phone

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Two computer harddrives on top of eachother

New hardware!

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Since I occasionally play computer games, having to upgrade your computer hardware is needed once in a while.. And with all the upcomming titles (Battlefield 3, Star Wars The Old Republic, Diablo III

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Windows Phone: Mango released!

0 Software

After waiting for what seemed like an eternity, Windows Phone developers have now got the change to upgrade their phone software til 7720! aka: Mango RTM! For approximatly two months, I have been

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Black Asphalt Road Surrounded by Green Grass

Change of host, new blog and domain cleanup!

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Finally came the day I actually had time to sit down for a while and think! It all started when my former host,, send me a friendly reminder that my webhotel was about to expire and I had

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Black Asphalt Road Surrounded by Green Grass

Syncronizing Active Directory time on Hyper-V

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When setting up your Microsoft environment using virtual servers running on Hyper-V it is crucial that the clock syncronization service is running in such a way, that your entire datacenter will not

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