Advarsel, phising mail forsøger at franare dig Live login oplysninger (Danish post)
Monday, 03 September 2012 | 0 comments
En ny email sendt ud til kunder med Hotmail og konti forsøger at franare brugere sine live login oplysninger, ved at advare om at ens konto er benyttet til at sende en masse emails inden for
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Nokia shows off new Beta Apps; HTC next to come?
Friday, 03 August 2012 | 0 comments
For the last 6 months Nokia surely have been "all in" with the Windows Phone platform as they proclaimed to be last year. I, as a Nokia user, keep seeing new Nokia apps sent out for my phone, some of
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Using the power of Word, on a blog!
Tuesday, 24 July 2012 | 0 comments
Microsoft Word keeps getting more and more intelligent through each release, extending the powerful capabilities of the Microsoft Office suite.
One of the major advantages of Word over other word
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(Software) Patents; are they evil?
Tuesday, 24 July 2012 | 0 comments
In the last year, the tech industry has seen so many patent-cases in courtrooms all over the world.The most famous must be the constant patent war between Apple and Samsung… (Samsung vs Apple and the
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Now its time to wait..
Sunday, 23 October 2011 | 0 comments
So at this years Blizzcon, blizzard announced a bunch of new details about Diablo 3, the upcomming expansions for World of Warcraft and Starcraft II and some details about Blizzard DOTA.
One of the
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A quick 3d model of a chess pawn
Thursday, 13 October 2011 | 0 comments
After playing around with 3ds max for about 10 minutes, with some good help from a youtube tutorial, I was able to create this chess pawn.And I must say, I am pretty pleased with the result! :)
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