Screenshot of Visual Studio showing a C# interface

Migrating Kenc.ACMELib to Semantic Versioning

Friday, 09 July 2021 | 0 comments

Back when I made the first publically available build of Kenc.ACMELib I wanted to go for semantic versioning, but with the default format in Azure DevOps being

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Screenshot of Visual Studio showing a C# interface

Creating GitHub release using Azure DevOps pipeline

Monday, 23 September 2019 | 0 comments

GitHub is pretty much the defacto-standard for hosting source code for Open Source projects. While it excels at hosting Source Code, it lacks automated builds and as such requires integration with

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Black Asphalt Road Surrounded by Green Grass

Using .net core 3.0 in Azure DevOps

Monday, 23 September 2019 | 0 comments

During todays livestreamed ".net conf 2019", Microsoft announced that .net core 3.0 has been released. The release includes a plethora of changes and improvements, however one thing that is yet to be

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Black Asphalt Road Surrounded by Green Grass

Introducing Kenc.ACMELib (Lets Encrypt client in .net)

Wednesday, 14 November 2018 | 0 comments

About a year ago I started using Lets Encrypt for my certificate needs for a variety of websites and online services I run, but being mostly Windows based, I lacked a great automation solution. In the

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A photo of two shadowy figures, one kicking and the other flying away from the kick

Optimizing Social Media sharing

Sunday, 25 February 2018 | 0 comments

Social media is here to stay - but how does it impact websites? An old saying claims a picture is worth more than a thousand words; We have all heard it - but what does it mean for your social media

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Microsoft and Linux separated by a heart icon on a blue background.

Running Graphical Applications under Linux on Windows

Tuesday, 21 November 2017 | 0 comments

Windows 10 brings quite a few developer/geek/... friendly features to the table; a feature which haven't gotten as much attention as it deserves, is the Windows Subsystem for Linux It allows users to

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