Multiple keboardlayouts in Windows 8 / Server 2012
Today I found myself in need of using American keyboard layout in Windows 8 / Server 2012, and it hit me;I have no idea how to turn this on anymore. I knew perfectly where to find it in 7 / Server
Advarsel, phising mail forsøger at franare dig Live login oplysninger (Danish post)
En ny email sendt ud til kunder med Hotmail og konti forsøger at franare brugere sine live login oplysninger, ved at advare om at ens konto er benyttet til at sende en masse emails inden for
For the last 6 months Nokia surely have been "all in" with the Windows Phone platform as they proclaimed to be last year. I, as a Nokia user, keep seeing new Nokia apps sent out for my phone, some of
Today is exactly one year since I had my first day at Microsoft in Denmark, at Microsoft Development Center Copenhagen, as a Software Development Engineer, Student Worker.
Back then, I joined the
Microsoft Word keeps getting more and more intelligent through each release, extending the powerful capabilities of the Microsoft Office suite.
One of the major advantages of Word over other word